Luxury Interactive 2016 (past event)

October 17 - 19, 2016

Contact Us: 1-888-482-6012

Social Media Commandments

In this exclusive video, Aliza Lich of Donna Karan International discuss the 10 commandments of luxury social media.

Video Transcript

Aliza Licht: For those of you who don’t know me, we started on social media in 2009 and we were essentially one of the first fashion brands in the space. We had no idea what we were doing as a lot of things start. And it was pretty much a learn as you go kind of thing. So what I’m going to show you today is really not something that I set out to do quite honestly. It’s more looking back what I did naturally and what sort of now I can look back and say wow, that actually makes a lot of sense if you really look at it from a macro kind of aer

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